Power of Our Breath
The Power of our Breath
For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.”
-Sanskrit Proverb
There is research that shows emotions are linked to breathing patterns and you can change how you feel with your breath. If you feel anxious you may notice that your breath is fast and shallow. When you are relaxed, most likely your breath is slower and deeper.
Your breath is connected to your nervous system. By changing your breath, you can calm yourself down. By lengthening your exhales, you can help your body tap into the rest and digest, the parasympathetic, nervous system.
Diaphragmatic breathing also known as deep belly breathing uses of the main muscle of breathing, the diaphragm, resulting in slower, deeper breathing. A known response of slower breathing is that engages a relaxation response and reduces the production of cortisol in the body, which is the primary stress hormone. There are different types of breathing techniques that all help our bodies in different ways but the main themes is mindful breathing has many benefits.
Benefits of Mindful Breathing
Reduces stress
Positively impacts thoughts and mood
Boosts the brain
Improves sleep
Helps build the immune function